Zombies Die Rise - Whos Who Perk - What does it do?

Zombies Die Rise - Whos Who Perk - What does it do?

Posted in black ops 2

Who's Who Perk is the new perk in Zombies Die Rise for Black Ops 2. It's the green and yellow perk machine found inside one of the elevators. Similar in many ways to quick revive, this perk gives you another chance to come back to life.

Although it's similar to quick revive, this perk has a slight twist in its use. Basically once you're downed by a zombie you're going to need help getting revived. If you've got the Who's who perk, you can be that saviour and revive yourself!

How does it work?

If you've got Who's Who and you're downed, you can respawn and you'll be able to find your original self on the floor. You'll be glowing a faint red/yellow colour. Reviving yourself, brings you back to life.

Zombies Die Rise - Who's Who Perk

However, if you fail to revive your original self and you yourself are knocked down by zombies then they'll be two copies of you on the map. Confused? Well, not half as much as your team mates who'll need to revive both of you to bring you back to life.
