Windows 7 black screen of death

Windows 7 black screen of death

Posted in windows

Microsoft has just confirmed that it is investigating a problem with the Windows 7 operating system described as the black screen of death. It is thought that this only affects Windows 7 users at this time.

The error is quite simple but frustrating in that it presents users of Windows 7 with a totally black screen after logging on to Windows.

Some IT professionals believe that the problem is caused by the latest security update for Windows 7 which was released Tuesday 25 November.

Other rumours also report that this problem also affects Vista, XP and other systems. Although these reports are as yet unconfirmed.

Several software vendors including Prevx, have issued a fix for the problem already but its feared that millions of people are affected.

So how do you fix the black screen of death? Experts have warned against reinstalling the entire windows operating system as essential files will be lost. Others have attempted to start their PC in Safe Mode which disables all but the essential processes and drivers required to run Windows.

Microsoft said that customers who are affected by the problem should contact its customer service line immediately.

The black screen of death is a similar in many ways to the more common blue screen of death which can appear when Microsoft operating systems crashes. These are usually serious operating system crashes related to hardware or serious software failure.