Electric Cherry Perk - Mob of the Dead

Electric Cherry Perk - Mob of the Dead

Posted in black ops 2

The new perk for Mob of the Dead is the Electric Cherry which costs 2000 points. The drink is different from regular perks and is more of a defensive aid more than anything. Purchasing Electric Cherry will give you a temporary electric 'shield'.

The electric shield (shock) is automatically applied when you reload your gun or you are downed. This gives you an advantage in tight situations where you need to reload but are surrounded by zombies. The electric shock affects nearby zombies and keeps them off your back.

The shock isn't strong enough to kill a zombie and it will only stun them, giving you a split second to either reload and fire or run away. The strength and duration of the electric shock fades over time.

Of all the perk machines in Mob of the Dead, the Electric Cherry is one of the weaker perks alongside Deadshot.

Mob of the Dead - Electric Cherry Perk