Zombies Mob of the Dead - How to get Hell’s Redeemer

Zombies Mob of the Dead - How to get Hell’s Redeemer

Posted in black ops 2

The Tomahawk (Hell's Retriever) in Mob of the Dead can be exchanged for Hell's Redeemer using a simple series of steps. The new Tomahawk is blue in colour rather than red and is extremely powerful. To find Hell's Redeemer you'll need to feed the dogs, use the fire pit and afterlife. Here are all the steps.

The theory behind Hell's Redeemer has been quoted several times in forums but until now, no one has been able to find it. The problem is, it's not quite as simple as you think..

How to get Hell's Redeemer

1. Feed all The Beasts (dogs) on the walls x 3 locations

2. Pick up the Tomahawk (Hell's Retriever)

3. Kill at least 30 zombies with the Tomahawk

4. Throw the Tomahawk into the fire pit (in cell blocks)

Mob of the Dead - Fire Pit

The pit will glow with fire and the Tomahawk is lost from your inventory.

5. Go back to the Tomahawk location and you'll see a blue one

Tip: If you don't see it, try completing the round

6. Go into afterlife and pick up the Hell's Redeemer

Mob of the Dead - Hell's Redeemer

What does Hell's Redeemer do?

You can charge the Hell's Retriever twice to increase its power whereas with The Hell's Redeemer you can charge it 3 times. A fully charged Redeemer deals an incredible amount of damage.

It's effective in the higher rounds (20+) and we managed to cruise until round 30 using just the Hell's Redeemer.