Time Bomb - What does it do? Black Ops 2 Zombies Buried
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black ops 2Early gameplay footage from Ali A has revealed the new buried zombies map including the new Time Bomb which can be found in the mystery box. The device is bright blue and comes with a pocket watch.
What does the Time Bomb do?
The device can be thrown on the floor (like a mine) and then the player can teleport back to the same location by using the pocket watch.
The Time Bomb not only teleports you to a particular location but it will teleport you back in time - it's a time machine!
There may be a time limit though, so your time bomb will not last forever. Ali A also believes that when you use the device, the zombies will be even stronger than before. Possibly because you teleport back in time but the level stays the same - hence the zombie strength remains unchanged.
We'll have gameplay footage of the Time Bomb soon..