New Minecraft 1.5 Scoreboard. How to Add Objectives, Increase Scores

New Minecraft 1.5 Scoreboard. How to Add Objectives, Increase Scores

Posted in minecraft

First appearing in Minecraft 1.5, the new Minecraft scoreboard system is a type of tally or counter that keeps track of player scores for certain objectives. You can manipulate scoreboard stats by using the scoreboard command which can also be used through a command block.

How to add new objectives to the scoreboard?

New objectives are added using the "scoreboard objectives" command e.g.

/scoreboard objectives add NewObjective playerKillCount

Minecraft Scoreboard

Note: To open the command window, just press / on your keyboard.

The first parameter to the add command is the objective name, which can be anything you want. The second parameter is the objective type which is either:

  • deathCount - score increments automatically for a player when they die
  • playerKillCount - score increments automatically for a player when they kill another player
  • totalKillCount - score increments automatically for a player when they kill any mob
  • dummy - score can only change by using commands and not by game events

To see a list of all objectives you should use:

/scoreboard objectives list

Increase a players score for a particular objective

To change a players objective score, we use the "scoreboard players" command e.g.

/scoreboard players set PlayersName ObjectiveA 999

Minecraft Scoreboard

Note: You can use the set OR add command to change a tally.


Quick video showing you how to create scoreboard objectives, assign to players and increase counts.