Minecraftforum.net website down

Minecraftforum.net website down

Posted in minecraft

The Minecraft Forum website is still down and its been 3 days now. After moving to the new Curse.com web servers, it seems that the minecraftforum.net website has been hit by a big problem.

For almost any Minecraft player, the Minecraft Forum contains the best collection of resources. There are literally thousands of discussions on mods, texture packs, beta features, tutorials and other direct download links.

The site was originally down on Friday 24th June 2011 (GMT), but even today, which is Sunday 26th June, it's still down. The Curse.com group which hosts and operates the new Minecraft Forum website have put this statement online (26th June 2011):

Curse.com Statement

We are continuing to upgrade our hardware in order to bring the Curse Network websites online. We expect this vital process to take 3-4 hours longer than we had previously anticipated, but hope to finish around 1 A.M. PST.

Thank you for your continued patience and understanding.

- Curse

Now, it might just be us but why does it take 3 days to upgrade the hardware on a server? Most virtual servers have swap in / swap out hardware that takes about an hour to complete. Unless, Curse.com have their own servers which are on site, it seems strange that it would take 3 days to complete a hardware upgrade.

Is there a bigger problem?

Has the Curse.com network been subject to another hack along with other gaming websites around the world? We've seen Sega and Sony hit, with millions of users private data and online accounts stolen. Don't be surprised if there is something else to this recent downtime on the minecraftforum.net website!!

But lets hope not..