How to play Mario on your mobile?

How to play Mario on your mobile?

Posted in android

Mario has long been a popular choice among casual gamers due to its simplicity and playability. With the rise of mobile devices you can still play Mario on your iPhone or Android with the help of a free emulator.

Before you play Mario you'll need to download 2 things.

First download the game

The actual Mario game is available as a ROM for either the SNES or NES. These ROM files are really small and fit onto your phone without taking up much space. All SNES ROMS have the smc file extension. They're free to download from any ROM site, just do a Google for SNES ROMs and lots will appears.

Some ROM downloads come in the form of a zip, 7gz or similar compressed file. Just uncompress the files before hand or depending on the emulator you might be able to just use the compressed file directly (the emulator does the uncompress for you automatically). Then copy the files to your phone ready to play.

Secondly, download an Emulator (SNES or NES)

The best emulator for playing SNES games is the SNesoid Lite app for Android. Its free and available from the Android market (there are iPhone similar emulators which you can download from the App Store).

Once you've downloaded and installed the emulator, just select the Load ROM menu option and select you SNES game (zip or .smc format). The game will load and away you go!

NoteThere is a little limitation with the SNesoid LITE version in that you can't save games (game state). If you're playing long games then you should consider buying the full version which include Save Game states.

The following Mario games are available to play on your mobile

Mario Bros (NES)
Super Mario Bros (NES)
Super Mario Bros 2 (NES)
Super Mario Bros 3 (NES)
Super Mario World (SNES)
Super Mario Kart (SNES)

Mario on Android video: