How to create a Minecraft potion?

How to create a Minecraft potion?

Posted in minecraft

Glass bottles

The first thing you need to create potions is to craft glass bottles. These are created from 3 pieces of glass. This produces 3 bottles.

glass bottle - crafting

Fill the bottles with water. Either use a normal water source or the cauldron.

Next we want to add the ingredients. There are currently 9 ingredients:

  • Nether wart
  • Glowstone dust – thick potion
  • Redstone dust – mundane potion
  • Fermented spider eye – weakness
  • Spider eye – poison
  • Blaze powder – strength
  • Magma cream – fire resistance
  • Sugar – speed
  • Ghast tear – healing

You will need to add the ingredients to the bottles using the brewing stand.

The potion mixing procedure is not as simple as just adding water and one of the ingredients. You need to do something a little bit extra.

Let's start with the base ingredients..

Base ingredients

Most of these (with the exception of fermented spider eye) do not define the potion but rather alter its power or duration.

  • Netherwart
  • Glowstone Dust
  • Redstone dust
  • Fermented spider eye

Modifying ingredients

These will define your potion and give it certain affects.

  • Spider eye
  • Blaze powder
  • Magma cream
  • Sugar
  • Ghast tear

potions - brewingLet's explain a little more about the base ingredients:

Nether wart – this is always your first ingredient

The other base ingredients will shift or warp the affect of the potion

  • Glowstone dust will improve the power of the potion (may decrease duration)
  • Redstone dust will lengthen the potions duration (may reduce strength)
  • Fermented Spider Eye – this ingredient can be used in lots of potions. It induces far ranging effects such as reversing the effect of the potion e.g. positive to negative. It can also weaken a potion.

The modifying ingredients are the ones which will actually produce the type of potion you want. So for example if we wanted to create a fire resistance potion we would use Magma Cream. This could be mixed with Netherwart + Glowstone + Magma cream. This would produce a strong potion for fire resistance.

Hope you enjoyed this quick tutorial. So get out there and enjoy crafting your new Minecraft potions..