Download Minecraft 1.2 - Snapshot 12w03

Download Minecraft 1.2 - Snapshot 12w03

Posted in minecraft

The latest Minecraft snapshot for version 1.2 is available to download. It contains a new jungle biome with abundant tree and plant life, climbable vines, wolf breeding and much more.

Jeb has released the latest Minecraft snapshot to the usual place. You can download the file here:


The snapshot is a mini version of Minecraft which contains early features from the official Minecraft 1.2 version. We know that this snapshot contains the new Jungle biome which is a hot and humid place, full of wildlife, trees and plants. It's densely populated and very green basically.

Although they didn't make it into this snapshot, later snapshots will include a new Minecraft mob or maybe several mobs. These mobs will be jungle creatures, most probably deadly snakes, tree climbing monkeys, tropical birds or pesky insects. However, some have speculated that Jeb may reuse some of the wolf code to add a tiger mob. Whichever mob makes it into the game, it will be great to see.

Full list of features included in snapshot 12w03

  • New jungle biome
  • Climbable vines (only when they are on a solid block though)
  • Wolf breeding
  • Collision box removed from ladders (this is a reverse of the code added previously by jeb)
  • Dispensed Spawn Eggs spawn mobs