Devastating 8.9 Earthquake in Japan - Tsunami warnings for Pacific Islands, US, Chile, Mexico

Devastating 8.9 Earthquake in Japan - Tsunami warnings for Pacific Islands, US, Chile, Mexico

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As the record breaking earthquake hits Japan there have been multiple Tsunami warnings coming out of the media. The earthquake registered at 8.9 on the Rictor Scale was the biggest to hit Japan in over 100 years. The combined earthquake and tsunami have completely demolished buildings, cars and anything in their path.

The Tsunami was over 10 meters high, sweeping across farm land and coastal towns. Its power and force capable of demolishing anything in the way. The number of dead is still rising (over 100 now) and as with any Tsunami, the number of missing is never clear until well after the event has subsided.

Nuclear Power Plants

In another story, some of Japans nuclear power plants have been affected by the incident. Whilst most power plants have shut down safely, there are several plants that have been cooled manually to avoid disaster. Nuclear material contained in these power plants has not leaked into the surrounding environments.

Japan prepared for earthquakes

Japan is one of the most technology advanced nations in the world. Earthquakes are a regular occurrence and Japan has the most advanced technology for dealing with the affects of earthquakes using some of the best policies and procedures for evacuation. Buildings are also constructed specifically to deal with shocks but none have been witnessed to this level ever before. Thankfully, following the earthquake, none of the buildings in Tokyo have collapsed.

Eye witnesses have reported that the earthquake was so strong that it was impossible to stand still. It was almost like walking from one side of a ship to another. A powerful shake that made the buildings crack and shudder!

More news on the Japanese earthquake and tsunami to follow..

Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Photos

Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Photos

Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Photos

Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Video