All Part Locations for Guillotine - Easter Egg Black Ops 2 Zombies Buried

All Part Locations for Guillotine - Easter Egg Black Ops 2 Zombies Buried

Posted in black ops 2

Part of the Easter Egg for Black Ops 2 Buried is building the Guillotine using parts that are scattered around the map. This Guillotine is not built using the usual workbench and it forms part of the final Easter Egg for Richtofen.

If you're playing as Stu, you've probably noticed that Richtofen will talk to you as he usually does. He mentions reaching the tower above ground which follows a similar gist to the other zombies maps. For example, in Tranzit Green Run you had to reach the radio tower in the crop fields.

Where to build the Guillotine

Part of the Easter Egg on Buried is building the Guillotine. The Guillotine is located in the town high street, not far from the Gun Smiths shop.

Zombies Buried - Guillotine

All part locations

Part 1

The first part for the guillotine is the upside down L shape, which looks like an ariel. It's located in the stable/barn, one of the first rooms you come across before entering the town.

Zombies Buried - Guillotine

Part 2

The hardest part of the Guillotine to find on the map. This one is located in the small room next to the Chalk Weapons room.

Zombies Buried - Guillotine Part 2

Part 3 - Radar Dish

The third part of the guillotine is located on the balcony of a house, this is the first house that you enter after leaving the mine tunnels. To get your bearings, this house is directly opposite the first guillotine in the town.

Zombies Buried - Guillotine Part 3

Part 4 - Crystal

The crystal part of the Guillotine is located in the mineshafts near the starting area of the map. Take the tunnel directly opposite to the Quick Revive perk machine, head down and purchase the 750 barrier. Follow the route and on your RHS you should see the crystal.

Zombies Buried - Guillotine Part 4

Guillotine Complete

Short video showing Richtofen's message when the Guillotine is complete: