Minecraft 1.5 Released - Full 'Redstone Update' Features List
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The long awaited Minecraft 1.5 Redstone Update is finally available. You can download the pre-release rar file now, which will soon become the official in-game update. Minecraft 1.5 comes with lots of Redstone themed features including the new Hopper, Daylight Sensor and Comparator.
Minecraft 1.5 has been one of the longest running updates that was first discussed back at Minecon 2012 in November. Back then we got a glimpse of the new comparator device and also what would become the daylight sensor. We knew this was going to be Redstone overhaul and boy did we get some great features!
Minecraft 1.5 Features List

- Redstone Comparator (compares 2 redstone signal strengths)
- Hopper (moves items between containers)
- Dropper (similar to Dispensers, but it drops the item instead)
- Activator Rail (primes TNT Minecarts causing the TNT to detonate)
- Daylight Sensor (emits Redstone signal based on sunlight level)
- Trapped Chest (emits Redstone signal when opened)
- Weighed Pressure Plate (requires certain pressure to emit Redstone signal)
- Block of Redstone
- Nether Brick (item)
- Nether Quartz and ore (used for crafting daylight sensor and comparator)
- Block of Quartz
- New command: /scoreboard
- New command: /effect
- Containers and mobs can have custom names
- Changes to Inventory management - you can drag-place items over slots
- Texture packs now have separate images for each block and item, and can be animated
- Smooth lighting now has three settings (none, minimal, maximum)
- More detailed death messages
- Some hostile mobs now are harder in Hard difficulty
- Removed Herobrine
Notice the removal of Herobine! Surely that guy isn't still around..or is he?
Want to get your hands on Minecraft 1.5 Early?
Download links below..Client:
http://assets.minecraft.net/1_5/minecraft_server.jar (or
Follow the Minecraft 1.5 Update..
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