Download Minecraft 13w01a - Hopper Block, Redstone Block, Trapped Chest
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minecraftMinecraft snapshot 13w01a is now available to download and it comes with a lot more than we expected. Not only do we get the Comparator and Daylight Sensor, but we also get the new Hopper Block and Trapped Chests.
We covered the comparator and daylight sensor in our previous post:
Daylight Sensor / Analog RedstoneNow for a few of the other unexpected items..Hopper Block

When you add the Hopper block to your inventory it shows up as a WIP item with white writing on a black background. However, you can place the new block which looks similar in shape to the anvil. Guessing that this one moves items from the hopper to a nearby location, probably a chest hooked up to Redstone.
Nether quartz ore

The new ore found only in the Nether. Nether quartz ore is a maroon coloured block.
Trapped Chests
These chests seem to activate Redstone, but only for a split second. Presume they would be useful for making traps especially on adventure maps. More investigation needed..

Redstone Block

The new block of Redstone - bright red in colour. This block can actually power Redstone just like the Redstone torch.
Other new items
- Weighted pressure plates that detect item stacks
- Nether brick item for crafting Nether brick blocks
- Redstone circuits are now more consistent
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