Repair & Name Block - New Features coming in Minecraft 12w41a
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Nathan Adams has given us a sneak peek into one of the major features coming in 12w41a. The Repair & Name block will allow players to combine tools (and probably weapons) to create a stronger compound item. Each repair costs you X number of XP points, the algorithm is still under development.
Using the new Repair & Name block players can:- Combine enchantments from two separate items into one single item
- Repair the durability of an item by combining the remaining levels into a single item
- Rename items so they're easier to distinguish in your inventory - e.g. Unbreakable pickaxe
How to use the Repair & Name block
Few details have been released about the exact nature of the repair block but it's expected that players can craft the block as usual. Then by
spending XP, players place items into two of the empty slots on the repair grid and create a stronger item from the combination of the two. The two items must be of the same type, e.g. two pickaxes or two shovels.
See below for the exact process:1. Place the first item in the left hand slot of the repair grid

2. Place the second item (of the same type) in the second empty slot

3. The two items are combined into a stronger item - which appears on the right hand side. You can drag the new item into your inventory to accept the repair process.

How enchantments are combined
When you combine two items together the enchantments are combined and levelled up as appropriate.
Example 1We can see from Nathans first example that combining:
Efficiency IV
Fortune I
Unbreaking II us a new item with all three enchantments together:
Efficiency IV
Fortune I
Unbreaking II
Example 2However, in his second example combining two items with similar enchantments will somtimes increase the level of that particular enchantment:
For example, combining:
Efficiency IV
Fortune I
Unbreaking II
Efficiency IV
Unbreaking III us
Efficiency V
Fortune I
Unbreaking III
It would appear that the combination of two Efficiency IV is enough to boost us up to Efficiency V, BUT the combination of Unbreaking II and Unbreaking III still keeps us at the Unbreaking III enchantment level. You can therefore conclude that you need two enchantments of equal value to level up.