Rave in the Redwoods - All Buildables (Sticker Pack and Charms)
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infinite warfare
Infinity Ward's first DLC zombies map, Rave in the Redwoods (RitR), contains another sizeable collection of buildables. The overall inventory collection is referred to as the Sticker Pack and further weapon mods come in the form of Memory Charms. In most cases, groups of similar stickers are required to build some of the game's larger Wonder Weapons and also to unlock new features such as Kevin Smith, the guest character we saw in the trailer.
Following a similar pattern to Zombies in Spaceland, the sticker pack in Rave in the Redwoods is split into smaller groups, with several stickers needed to craft each of the buildables. Just like the Shredder, X-Quisite etc. from spaceland, players will need to first first the essential parts and then follow the correct process to assemble the new weapon or item.
The inventory screen is split into three main sections:
Photos - In the bottom left hand side of the screen are the "Photos". These are buildable items and players must find each of the parts using the "inspect item" prompt when the important item is found in the map. An example of one of the photos is the Crossbow.
Charms - These appear in the bottom right hand side of the inventory screen and there are ten individual charms which appear like parts of a bracelet.
Badges - These are shown on the right side of the inventory screen. Their purpose is unknown.
Sticker Pack Items / Photos
Photo 1 - Boat
The first photo in the collection is for the boat propeller. Once built, the propeller can be attached to the boat located at the boat house. Then use the boat to travel to a secret section of the map - required for the PaP and Easter Egg.
- Part 1 - inside the Mess Hall, second room by the pillar
- Part 2 - in the open Rave area (Recreational area), on the right of a little tent with red/white flags
- Part 3 - upstairs from spawn, near Tuff Nuff (Jug machine) in same room
See the
PaP guide for a map and further steps to finding both the boat and projector parts.
Photo 2 - Crossbow
The maps main Wonder Weapon, the Crossbow, is built from several distinct parts which players must earn throughout the map. It is the second photo in the list. For a complete guide to getting the Crossbow, see the other guide:
Crossbow Guide![Moose/Deer part]()
Besides the Crossbow, there are three other "photos" in the inventory screen but we don't know what the other Sticker Pack parts are yet. However, this section will be updated very soon.
Photo 3 - Projector
The third photo is for a projector, which is required to reach the PaP room from Turtle Island.
- Film Reel 1 - on the floor by the docks, near to where you took the boat
- Film Reel 2 - on Turtle Island, outside near the bonfire
See the PaP guide for further details on the film reels and reaching PaP:
PaP guidePhoto 4
The fourth photo is made up of several character faces. These are initially scratched/burnt out and must be cleaned by completing rituals. See the main
EE guide for this photo.
Photo 1 - Upper level in rave area (Recreational area), on the floor.
Photo 2 - Upstairs from spawn, on balcony outside from Jug room
Photo 3 - In the generator room where the power switch is, on the floor by wheel
Memory Charms
Memory Charms, or Candy Charms as they're sometimes called, are like sticker pack items in that they're collectible items that are found throughout the map. However, rather than helping you build larger composite items they're instead individual weapon modifications or mini-perks. The location of each of the charms is different and the process to "activate" (turn them gold) is also unique.
A couple of examples of Charm perks are: damage zombies whilst sliding and chance of making crawlers increase. Upon activating a Charm, take note of any improved benefits.
The following in-game achievement relates to Charms:
Prince Charming - Find and equip Memory Charms for your weaponsList & Locations

Thanks to the inventory screen we know that the Charms in Rave in the Redwoods are:
- Binoculars - on a bench before the White Tail beach signpost. Action: place binoculars on a bench at bait and tackle, then shoot eyeballs with sniper. Affect: Electric Cherry when near someone.
- Golden Shovel - found by archery area OR in mines by the HVR wall buy. Action: activate by digging the grave not far from boat house then killing the skeleton zombies
- Arrowhead - on the floor to the left of the Mess Hall Sign
- Ring - Action: place next to the TV in spawn, shoot lamp above.
- Tiki Mask - found on the picnic benches by the lake. Action: place on the picture frame in the Mess Hall, then shoot keys to collect. Effect: Rapid fire.
- 8 Ball - upper level of the mines OR Recreational Area, opposite side of the tent where boat part is. Action: place on pool table above spawn, shoot the white balls. Effect: slide damage to zombies.
- Fish - inside Campers Cabin underneath Racing stripes OR in sewer tunnel. Action: place fish where the boat is in docks, throw grenade at blue fish which spawns outside of map. Effect: Momentum perk.
- Frog - inside trailer in Recreational Area. Action: place frog near Mess Hall, spirit frog will spawn in. Jump off cliff in rave mode and melee them. Effect: Able to sprint in water.
- Pacifier/Dummy - on rocks in the docks near the Bat & Tackle building OR shower room on floor near Racin Stripes. Action: place on counter in Mess Hall, kill 10-15 zombies. Effect: damage zombies you run into.
- Boots - near empty trash can at the docks. Action: place boots at one of the cabins in Camper Cabins, follow the footsteps and repeat. Effect: headshots damage nearby zombies.