No 14w23a Snapshot but Minecraft PE 0.9.0 Ready
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Unfortunately due to another Swedish holiday there will be no Minecraft 14w23a snapshot. Searge confirmed the snapshot-less week on this recent Twitter account, citing that the team are working on new item rendering code for 1.8.
Here is the original tweet from Searge:

Minecraft PE 0.9.0 Ready
Meanwhile the PE team have published new information regarding PE 0.9.0 which will go into Beta hopefully by the end of the week (5th/6th June). This will only be for the Android Beta group and not for iOS owners. iOS usually follows a few days later after certification by Apple.
It's taken Mojang 3 months to release a new PE version, much to the disappointment of the community. At least this tweet provides closure on the "when will 0.9.0 be ready" saga. This recent tweet from Johan confirmed that PE will be released the first week of June:

The new update for Pocket Edition includes many, many new features. There will be new biomes, mobs, plants, flowers, generated structures and much more. For the full changelog for 0.9.0 see the list below:
Minecraft PE 0.9.0 - Features
Immersive Mode on Android

A unique mode for the Android version of the game. When players choose this mode the Navigation bar is hidden away giving you a better view of the world. It's your usual toggle on/off feature so you can quickly snap it back on if you want to.
Lava and water drips

Drips are tell-tale signs that provide clues on the whereabouts of water and lava. Johan warned that if you see these drips, don't start digging otherwise you'll be showered or burned! They appear on the roof/ceiling of caves or underground and their presence reveals that water or lava is very close by, usually within a block or two.
Redesigned Crafting Screen

The redesigned crafting screen for PE is shown above. Unlike the PC version, the crafting screen for mobile has been regularly tweaked whilst Mojang try and find the smoothest mechanism for finger-tip control.
New Biomes
- Jungle
- Roofed Forest
- Mesa
- Savannas
- Taiga
- Mushroom Island
- River
Generated Structures
- Caves which slice through terrain (same as PC)
- Lava Pools
- Abandoned Mineshafts
- Villages
- Stronghold
- Villagers (but no trading)
- Mooshrooms
- Wolf
- Enderman
- Silverfish
- Slimes
New Blocks
- Diorite, granite, and andesite, in normal and polished versions.
- Mycelium
- Hardened Clay and Stained Clay (various colours)
- Red Sand
- Podzol
- Packed Ice
- Emerald Ore
- Mob spawners
- Fish
- End Portal Frame (decorative only because there is No End)
Creative Inventory
- Acacia Trees
- Dark Oak trees
- Jungle Trees
- Vines
- Double Tall Grass
- Large Fern
- Acacia Sapling
- Jungle Sapling
- Dark Oak Sapling
- Tall Grass
Generated Blocks
- Pumpkins
- Tall Grass
- Dead Bushes
- Ferns
- Stone Bricks
- Cracked Stone Bricks
- Mossy Stone Bricks
- Stone Bricks Stairs
- Stone Slabs
- Iron Bars
- Torches
- End portal frame (decorative only because there is No End)
- Poppy
- Blue Orchid
- Allium
- Azure Bluet
- Tulips (4 colors)
- Oxeye Daisy
- Sun Flower
- Lilac
- Rose Bush
- Peony
Ability to select world size
- Legacy (same as current size)
- Small
- Medium
- Large
- Infinite