Mortal Kombat X - How to Unlock Alternate Costumes (Skins)
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Mortal Kombat X includes many unlockable costumes (skins) for each of the characters in the game. There are different methods to unlock each of the skins - some require Tower completion or finding Krypt items whilst others can only be unlocked through the mobile app.
In this post I'm going to cover all of the costumes included in MKX with details explaining how to unlock each of them. I'm still progressing through the game at this stage, but this post will be updated frequently until the list is complete.
Fans will be pleased to know that MKX includes costumes (skins) for Klassic character models such as Kitana and Mileena, as well as Tournament versions and some creepy looking Revenant versions for evil alternates. There are also some DLC skins but I've listed those seperately below to avoid confusion.
Ok, let's take a look at each of the characters alternate costumes...
Unlockable Costumes
Reptile Tournament
Unlock: Kavern of Doom area of the Krypt (15, 16) for 470 Koins.

Removes some of Reptiles bony, "creature like" features and replaces them with traditional leather fighting robes.
Mileena Klassic
Unlock: Through the MKX mobile app.
![Mileena Klassic]()
The classic costume worn by Mileena in her debut to the MK series back in Mortal Kombat 2. Similar in many ways to Kitana, this costume changes Mileena into a pink leotard, with half covered legs and arms. The costume is a solid colour with less of the decorative additions that were introduced in later games.
Mileena Kahnum
Unlock: Unlock survival Tower and beat 20 Rounds (thanks to Twinminator87), OR complete 15 fights in the Endless Tower.
![Mileena Kahnum]()
One of my favourite costumes for Mileena - this design includes solid black and pink robes, "scaley" looking gloves and pinned up hair with a gold head band.
Watch the YouTube gameplay video of the Kahnum Mileena costumeMileena Tournament
Unlock: Cemetery Grounds area of the Krypt (-23, 10) for 540 Koins.
![Mileena Tournament]()
This skin features criss-crossing robes, metal arm bands and an ebony looking chest plate/undergarment.
Liu Kang Dark Emperor
Unlock: Complete 10 Tower Challenges. No minimum score required, just 10 completions. This tower is accessed via: One Player - Towers - Tower Challenge.
![Liu Kang Dark Emperor]()
In this costume Liu Kang is totally covered in body armour, his eyes are a darker red and his costume is decorated with shiny metal skulls.
Watch the YouTube gameplay video of the Dark Emperor Liu Kang costumeLiu Kang Revenant
Unlock: Reach level 10 on your Special Moves (thanks to Kronaras)
![Liu Kang Revenant]()
The undead version of Liu Kang, this costume changes Kang's eyes to a glowing red colour, his robes have pointy shoulder pads and his arms have a scaly/transparent like appearance.
Liu Kang Tournament
Unlock: Khans Fortress area of the Krypt (1, 11) for 940 Koins.
![Liu Kang Tournament]()
A more traditional look for Liu Kang. This design includes faded maroon and teal robes that half cover Liu Kangs upper body but leave his arms completely bare except for two arm bands, one on either arm.
Kitana Klassic
Unlock: Through the MKX mobile app.
![Kitana Klassic]()
The classic MK costume for Kitana that dates back to the second game in the series. The costume is a navy blue leotard including matching headband, face mask and gloves. It's the traditional version of Kitana that long time fans will remember.
Kitana Dark Empress
Unlock: Earn Gold rating on a Living Tower.
![Kitana Dark Empress]()
A shiny, metallic body suit for Kitana that covers her entire body. Also includes metallic face mask and glowing red eyes.
Watch the YouTube gameplay video of Kitana's Dark Empress costumeKitana Revenant
Unlock: Confirmed unlock requirements are to give out 250 Respect points (in total) during King of the Hill matches. This is the large wheel which appears post match with numbers 1 to 10. Make sure you select 10 every time to reach the 250 mark quickly. The costume will silently unlock in the Kollection (no pop-up).
![Kitana Revenant]()
A demonic costume which changes Kitana into a "fleshier" outfit, with dark straps decorating her body and part of her arms. She wears what appears to be a tiara and has the glowing red eyes that are accustomed with the other Revenant costumes in the game.
Watch the YouTube gameplay video of Kitana's Revenant costumeKitana Tournament
Unlock: Complete the normal Tower, OR Frozen Graves area of Krypt (1, 6) for 980 Koins.
![Kitana Tournament]()
A modern version of the classic Kitana costume with multi-tone blues and lighter in appearance to her other darker costumes. Kitana looks like a real female assassin in this design.
Johnny Cage Ninja Mime
Unlock: Through the MKX mobile app
![Johnny Cage Ninja Mime]()
Johnny dresses up like a clown in this costume. A great way to taunt your opponent by looking like a circus freak!
Johnny Cage Hotshot
Unlock: Get a 10 win streak in King of the Hill Survivor. Almost impossible to do alone so get a friend to help and just cross your fingers that no one else enters your Room.
![Johnny Cage Hot Shot]()
A movie star look for Johnny Cage - in this design he wears an armless "puffer" jacket and a metallic armband on his left arm.
Watch the YouTube gameplay video for Hotshot Johnny CageJohnny Cage Tournament
Unlock: Complete the normal Tower, OR Shao Khans Tomb area of the Krypt (1, 6) for 1470 Koins.
![Johnny Cage Tournament]()
The topless version of Johnny Cage that highlights his martial arts style complete with fighting belt and arm straps.
Jax Farmer
Unlock: Through the mobile app.
![Jax Farmer]()
A traditional farmer look for Jax changes his clothes into dungarees, a checkered red shirt and cap.
Jax Revenant
Unlock: Complete 15 Flawless victories. TIP: Play two player "Kustom Kombat" with 1% health modifier.
![Jax Revenant]()
A demonic costume that changes Jax into a cybernetic monster complete with jagged metallic clothing, glowing red eyes and a skin head to top it off.
Jax Tournament
Unlock: Just beat the Klassic Tower with Jax, OR in the Cemetery Grounds area of the Krypt (-19, 8).
![Jax Tournament]()
A topless version of Jax which highlights his shiny oversized bionic arms.
Jacqui Boot Camp
Unlock: From the Krypt for 1900 Koins. Location: Garden of Despair, Coordinates -8, 8.
![Jacqui Boot Camp]()
This costume changes Jacqui into a skin tight tanktop, military camouflage trousers and dog tags around her neck.
Erron Black Outcast
Unlock: Complete the Klassic Tower with Erron Black, OR found in the Frozen Graves area of the Krypt (-2, 9).
![Erron Black Outcast]()
A semi-topless and armless version of Erron Black which reveals his tattoos and muscular body.
D'Vorah Kytinn Queen
Unlock: Chamber of Bones area of the Krypt (-7, 12) for 1240 Koins.
![D'Vorah Kytinn Queen]()
D'Vorah gains a dark shrouded cloak which has torn pieces, particularly on her arms. The cloak is open, revealing more of D'Vorah's body.
Cassie Cage Endurance
Unlock: Complete the Klassic Tower with Cassie Cage, OR found at the start of the Krypt (-1, 10).
![Cassie Cage Endurance]()
A sport themed costume that changes Cassie into a sports top, fleece and combat trousers. The whole outfit is toned in blue and white.
Kuai Liang Sub Zero
Unlock: Lost Mausoleum area of the Shao Kahn Krypt map (3, 3) for 2350 Koins.
![Kuai Liang Sub Zero]()
A more human looking costume for Sub Zero which changes his appearance into a dark green outfit with decorated gold arm plates. He also has a full facial beard but retains his pupil-less eyes.
Osh-Tekk Warrior Kotal Khan
Unlock: Grotto of Gore area of the Shao Kahn Krypt map (-8, 8) for 2100 Koins.
![Osh-Tekk Warrior Kotal Khan]()
A radical transformation for Kotal which changes him into a tribal brute. This costume includes skulls, bones and teeth which laden his chest and shoulders. In addition to this he has bone piercings through his nose and ears.
Tournament Kenshi
Unlock: Dark Pass area of the Shao Kahn Krypt map (6, 17) for 1870 Koins.
![Tournament Kenshi]()
A typical tournament costume which changes Kenshi into leather armour which covers his entire body, topped off with a light coloured Sash with a red dragon symbol.
Other skins coming in future DLC packs
There are a collection of costumes (skins) coming in DLC packs for MKX. You'll have noticed that some of the Klassic costumes were missing from the original game, these have been included in Klassic Pack 1 and 2. Other packs introduce new characters in addition to new skins for existing characters. The list is shown below:
- Samurai Pack (Samurai Shinnok, Ronin Kenshi, and Jingu Kitana)
- Ultimate Horror Pack (Vampiress Mileena, Kraken Reptile, and Pharaoh Ermac) Klassic Pack #1 (Klassic Sonya, Klassic Liu Kang, and Klassic Kano)
- Predator and Prey Pack (Infared Scorpion, Commando Johnny, and Carl Weathers as Dillon)
- Klassic Pack #2 (Klassic Jax, Klassic Kung Lao, and Klassic Quan Chi)