Mortal Kombat 11 - ALL Characters on Roster List
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Mortal Kombat 11 has 25 characters included with the base game, a further additional character available through pre-order and many DLC characters which will be added to the roster over the course of a year. In this guide you'll find a complete list of all characters available in the game.
The character select screen is designed as a diamond shape in MK11, which is in contrast to the linear rows seen in MKX. See below:

Players have the option to not only select the character but also select a "variation" of that character. Variations are changes to BOTH the characters appearance (through skins and gear) but also their moveset. For example, Baraka's variations change him from wearing his classic white vest to a bare chested version or even him wearing a shiny metal blue mask.
This guide will be updated in the weeks leading up to release and also during the months after release to include all announced characters on the roster. Fan favourite characters such as Baraka, Sub Zero, Raiden and Sonya have already been announced and classic characters such as Liu Kang, Kano, Kung Lao and Kitana are expected soon.
Full Roster Leak
![Roster leak Feb 2019]()
The full MK11 roster has been leaked by a trusted Reddit user who also leaked the MKX roster last time. As you can see from the image above, there are a total of 28 characters, 24 of which are returning and 4 are brand new additions. The list below has been updated to include all of the leaked names.
ALL Characters on Roster
Geras (NEW)
A new entry in the Mortal Kombat series, Geras is a brute fighter who resembles Tremor if anything else. He has complete control of sand and time, allowing him to unleash sand projectiles at enemies, create granular decoys and also teleport instantly to catch enemies by surprise.
The God of Thunder has been a regular character on the Mortal Kombat roster, with his first appearance dating all the way back to the original 1993 game. In MK11 he's not as "good" as he once was, clearly evident by his tinted eyes and red lighting effects.
Skarlet made her official MK debut in MK9 but there were fictitious rumours to her inclusion dating almost all the way back to roots of the series. We all know that Reptile was the third hidden ninja (besides Scorpion and Sub Zero) in MK1 but fans also believed that a female ninja was unlockable in the second installment of Mortal Kombat. This of course turned out to be false. With the release of MK11, Skarlet makes a welcomed reappearance to the series.
Sub Zero
![Sub Zero]()
Just like his yellow twin, this blue ninja has also appeared in every Mortal Kombat game to date. Sub Zero is a master of sub zero temperatures and his moveset is designed to unleash debilitating freezing effects on his enemies.
Appearing in every single Mortal Kombat game, Scorpion once again graces the character roster in MK11. With his trademark "get over here" harpoon grapple, the yellow ninja is a firm favourite with fans and it's only right that he returns for MK11.
Sonya Blade, the female special forces soldier, returns to MK11 having been a staple part of the series dating all the way back to the original game in 1993. Armed with her telltale acrobatic moves and gadgets, Sonya is voiced by real world WWE fighter Rhonda Rousey for MK11.
Surely one of the most recognisable (and loved) Mortal Kombat characters makes his return for MK11. Baraka comes with his familiar brutally, armed with razor sharp blades and teeth that he uses to devastating effect.
Shao Khan (pre-order bonus)
![Shao Khan]()
Shao Khan is the pre-order bonus character for MK11 but he's also purchasable after the games release through DLC. Although technically dead in the games lore, the emperor of outworld does make an appearance as a playable character in the new game. Shao Khan's first appearance in Mortal Kombat was in the second game where he played the final BOSS after Goro.
The daughter of Jax is returning in MK11 after making her debut in MKX. Jacqui comes with her trademark bionic arms that can fire various projectile types depending on the variation chosen.
One of the original MK characters from the first Mortal Kombat game. Although not a fan favourite and after also appearing in MKX, Kano will also make a return in MK11. Kano is of course an arms dealer and leader of the Black Dragon. In MK11, Kano returns with his laser eye special moves and brutal hand combat combos, topped off with some gruesome fatalities, one of which literally sees Kano headbutting his opponent into pieces.
Cetrion (NEW)
A brand new character in the MK series. Cetrion is an Eldergod and with that luxury comes the ability to summon god like powers in combat. Her "tentacle" like features can be used to tie down an opponent which Cetrion summons earthly rocks to impale opponents during combat.
Last seen in the Deadly Alliance Mortal Kombat game, Frost will make a return in MK11. Although certainly not as well known as Sub-Zero, she still has deadly freezing capabilities that rather than freezing opponents directly, alter the surroundings to her advantage.
First appearing in MK2, Jax returns alongside his daughter in MK11. Known by his full name, Jackson Briggs, Jax comes with his trademark bionic arms that unleash devastating combos. Jax is a wrestling style character and so comes with moves such as the dash punch, "gotcha" grab and piledriver. His arms also have projectile lasers and will even glow hotter depending on the number of successful hits.
Johnny Cage
Another of the original classic MK characters, Johnny Cage is the cocky high flying hotshot actor. His moveset includes the modern fisticuffs, body doubles and possibly one of the best uppercut Fatalities in recent memory. He joins MK11 alongside his daughter Cassie and partner Sonya.
Introduced in MKX, the insect loving D'Vorah will return in MK11. She has mastery over several different types of bugs and winged insects that she can use for a variety of purposes, from offensive attacks to healing.
![Cassie Cage]()
The daughter of Sonya Blade and Johnny Cage, Cassie is a returning character who made her debut in MKX. Cassie has Special Forces training from her mother and super strength from her father. She plays much like a combination of the two.
Kung Lao
![Kung Lao]()
The Shaolin Monk from MK2 will return once more in MK11. Kung Lao has long been a major hero in the MK series and that's not about to change anytime soon. With his trademark razor sharp hat, Kung Lao joins his best friend, Liu Kang, on the MK11 roster.
Kotal Kahn
A returning character from MKX, Kotal Khan is an Aztec eagle warrior with the ability to summon great power from the gods. A number of his special moves involve damage and protective buffs that he uses to his advantage.
Erron Black
![Erron Black]()
Another of the MKX returning characters, Erron Black is a gunslinger of the Old West. Erron has complete mastery of his pistols and rifles that he embraces with deadly accuracy. Erron has been given a fresh coat of paint in MK11, redesigning him from his first MKX appearance. His moves include slides, acid jar traps, rifle shots (high and low), leg snare trap and pistol shots.
Liu Kang
![Liu Kang]()
The best friend of Kung Lao, Liu Kang is arguably the "Bruce Lee" of the Mortal Kombat series. With his trademark flying kick, bicycle kick and fireball projectiles, Liu Kang maintains a special place in every MK fans heart. With his reappearance in MK11, Liu Kang also gains access to Nunchucks for the first time. These swift, close combat sticks, unleash ninja style attacks that are straight out of the Bruce Lee handbook!
Kollector (NEW)
![The Kollector]()
A brand new entry to MK11 and another mystery to the roster. The Kollector is as the name implies is a collector of trinkets and treasures. With multiple arms and razor sharp blades, the Kollector can inflict fast and decisive strikes on an opponent. His special moves include a soul like trap that sucks the opponent in before blasting them away, a hook chain that behaves like Scorpions but pushes rather than drags them in, green fire traps and slow moving projectiles that inflict AoE damage.
Kabal is a unique character who made his first appearance in MK3. His distinct appearance includes long black hair, hookswords and a respirator.
Although technically an unplayable character in MK2, Jade made her first appearance in MK3 but will again rejoin the roster in MK11. A childhood friend of princess Kitana, Jade boasts the female assassin appearance and moveset. With a limited number of combos (except in the assassin variation), Jade relies on area control via her staff which can stab, sweep and overhead strike in tandem.
Noob Saibot
![Noob Saibot]()
Making a first playable appearance in Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3, Noob's name comes from the last names of the creators of the Mortal Kombat franchise, Ed Boon and John Tobias, spelled in reverse. Noob is an evil ninja, originally killed by Scorpion but resurrected by Quan Chi (who also resurrected Scorpion).
Arguably the games most beautiful female ninja, Kitana is the princess of Edenia and although 10,000 years old she's considered young in her realm. Kitana's signature moves typically involve her fans that are used to slice and dice her opponents from close range and distance projectiles.