Minecraft Snapshot 12w32a (1.4) - New Zombie Mob, Command Block, Beacon Block
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The first snapshot for Minecraft 1.4 has been released. 12w32a contains lots of new features including the new Beacon block which provides enchantments, Command Block which triggers console commands, new zombie and different types of skeletons.
It's only been a week since Jeb released Minecraft 1.3 but he's already been busy creating our next snapshot. Even a bike accident couldn't stop the usual Minecraft snapshot from hitting the web today. It's another of the meaty feature snapshots and comes with some nice additions including the awesome 'beacon' block.
12w32a Features List
Zombies and skeletons have new equipment depending on difficulty
We've seen zombies with shovels and skeletons with enchanted bows and chainmail armour. So as you can imagine, if you're on the hard difficulty then you're going to face some tougher skeletons along the way.
New command block
The Command Block makes its official appearance in Minecraft. It's a redstone powered control block that lets you issue console commands such as teleport, change time, give items etc. Perfect for adventure maps and building those advanced contraptions.
A surprise block (Beacon Block)
A surprise block that's still a work in progress. Once this block is placed, you can click on it to open the blocks control menu. It shows two powers; Primary Power and Secondary Power. You can move blocks from your inventory into the empty block space.
If you place this mystery block on top of emerald, iron or gold blocks (in a pyramid pattern) then a powerful light shines directly to the sky. Not much is known about the beacon block but it seems to provide enchantments depending on the 'power' material used, the size of the pyramid and your distance from the beacon (enchantments: resistance, haste, jump boost, strength, regeneration) (see image).
Zombies can infect villagersThe zombie apocalypse comes to Minecraft. Zombies can now infect villagers who in turn change into zombies. It's possible for a single zombie to infect an entire village within minutes. It happens quite quickly so be prepared for a shock if you're in the middle of trading and a zombie comes along!
Villagers react positively on new trades but are less willing to trade if you attack themHurting a villager will lessen your chances of trading successfully They also like you more when you trade new items with them, maybe an item they haven't seen before.
Villagers do not remove trades, but to renew old trades you will need to trade something elseSo if you got a nice item from a villager and want more of the same, you're going to need to please the villager in order for them to trade a similar item again.
Bug fixesLots more bug fixes including more of the performance improvements we saw towards the end of Minecraft 1.3.
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