Minecraft Pocket Edition 0.6.0 - Baby Animals (Breeding), Armor, Signs
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Jeb confirmed that MCPE 0.6.0 has been submitted for approval to Apple and Google. Minecraft PE 0.6.0 comes with oodles of new features including baby animals, craftable armor, signs and loads of new blocks.
Mojang have been focusing a lot on the Pocket Edition of Minecraft recently. This is proven by the huge features list that's attached to 0.6.0.
Minecraft Pocket Edition 0.6.0 - New Features

- Signs - build your own signs and write anything you want on them
- Armor - get more defence against attacks by making your own armor - helmets, chest plates, leggings..
- Baby animals - breeding comes to the Pocket Edition. Make sure animals are well fed and in close proximity and you'll see the little offspring venturing around.
- Fancy clouds - a graphics improvement to the cloud rendering makes PE look better
- Improved D-Pad -makes it easier to place blocks and rotate them
How to make baby animals / Breeding FAQ
- Feed the animals wheat (1 each)
- Wait for baby to be born
- Wait 5 minutes to breed again
- Babies take 20 minutes to grow
- Baby animals cannot breed
- You can breed wolves with beef/steak
Other new features
- Stonecutter for crafting stone blocks
- Sheep can be colored with dyes
- New block types: Netherrack, Nether Brick, Block of Quartz with 2 variants (pillar and chiseled), mossy/cracked Smooth Stone Brick variants (creative only), chiseled/smooth Sandstone variants
- New stairs: Nether Brick, Sandstone, Smooth Stone Brick, Quartz
- New slabs: Sandstone
- New item: Nether Brick (smelted from netherrack and crafted into nether brick tile)
- Upside-down stairs, corner stairs
- Slabs can be placed in up position (needs testing on small screens)
- Sand and Gravel are affected by gravity
- Cows now drop leather
Important Notice - Android Version
Starting in PE version 0.6.0, Android 2.2 and 2.1 will not be supported. You MUST have at least Android 2.3 or later. This is only an issue on older mobiles, dating back to 2009 (Éclair/Froyo). If you've got yourself Gingerbread or higher, then you're safe.
If you're stuck on Android 2.1/2.2 then you can keep playing the old versions of Pocket Edition but you won't be able to play the new versions.
When can I download Minecraft Pocket Edition 0.6.0
App submissions usually take around 1 to 2 weeks to get approved. Expect to see the Android versions a little sooner and the iOS one thereafter. We guess that 0.6.0 should be ready to download around 1st February 2013.