Minecraft Coming to PS4, PS3 and Vita in November
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minecraftMany thought that Notch had sold his soul to the Devil when Minecraft was announced as an Xbox exclusive in 2012. But one year on and Sony revealed at Gamescon that the block building game will be available for PS4, PS3 and PS Vita.
The PS4 is due for release on November 15th 2013 and it's likely that Minecraft will be available for launch. Minecraft is already available on the Xbox as both an XBLA download but also in a retail disc version.

Seeing as the PS version is relatively new (we didn't even see a trailer), it's likely that the game will be available from PSN first and then later as a retail disc.
It's also possible that the version of Minecraft will be several versions behind the PC and even the Xbox. We expect it to be somewhere near the late Beta versions, probably 1.8 or 1.9 Beta. That's no bad thing either, as Beta is surely everyones favourite anyway.
We'll have more news on the PS4 version of Minecraft soon..