Minecraft Coming to PS Vita, Xbox One and PS4 in August
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Mojang have announced that Minecraft will be available for Next-Gen platforms and the PS Vita starting in August 2014. Existing console players also have the option to upgrade their version of Minecraft for a nominal fee.
Sony fans have been waiting a long time for Minecraft and this will finally be the chance to play it on all modern consoles. The opportunity to share worlds between your Vita and PS3 is an exciting feature which many gamers will enjoy. Read more below..
Xbox One
Cost: $19.99, or $4.99 for upgrade
Minecraft for Xbox One will be available in August from the XBox Live Marketplace. It offers significantly bigger worlds and a much larger draw distance than its little brother - the Xbox version. It will come with the same features as the latest version on the Xbox which is several versions behind the PC.
If you want to buy the game at full price, it'll cost you $19.99 but those who already bought the game from Xbox Live can upgrade for just $4.99. Better still, you can import your worlds from Xbox 360 to Xbox One (but not vice versa). This is because Xbox One worlds are significantly bigger and unsupported on the original Xbox version.
Cross platform multiplayer
Unfortunately because the worlds are much larger you cannot play online with friends on different consoles e.g. Xbox and Xbox One.
PS Vita
Cost: $19.99
Available on PSN in August, the Vita version will include the same features as the PS3 version and it'll support online play. Anyone who buys Minecraft for PS Vita also gets it for free for PS3 too (vice versa applies too).
Save games are transferable between PS3 and Vita versions. You will even be able to craft on your PS3 version at home and then continue crafting in the same world on your PS Vita while out and about.
Cost: $19.99
Like the Xbox One version, the PS4 version comes with larger worlds and a greater draw distance compared to its little brothers (Vita and PS3).
You can also import your worlds from Vita/PS3 to your PS4, but you cannot import worlds from PS4 to older platforms.
Cross-platform play is also impossible between PS3/Vita and PS4.