Minecraft and Cube World Both Getting New Jungle Biomes
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minecraftJeb has revealed that Minecraft is getting another new biome – Jungles. In a similar twist, the developer of Cube World who recently rejected a move to Mojang is also developing biomes, one of which is a Jungle.
Minecraft already has a number of different biomes which have varying heights, temperatures and humidity. They include forests, swamp land, desert and mountains. Biomes are generated randomly based on the random variables for each of the fectors of temperature, humidity etc.. The new Jungle biome is likely to be a very humid place, full of large trees and abundant wildlife. Some have even speculated that the new biome could be home to a new mob? Snakes maybe?
So whilst Jeb is developing another biome, Wollay (the creator of Cube World) is also developing a full climate system too. See below..

The Cube World climate system will be affected by temperature and humidity. This will spawn new Cube World areas such as jungles, deserts, trundras and snowlands.
So as Minecraft continues to grow, the exciting Cube World game follows close by..