Minecraft 1.9 Pre-Release 3 - Potions and Brewing Stands
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The third instalment of the Mincraft 1.9 Pre-Release is out and it's free to download. Potions are making a big impact in Minecraft 1.9. Mix up your ingredients and use the brewing stand to create your own potions. Just watch out for the effects, some are good and some are really bad!
New Features in Minecraft 1.9 Pre-Release 3
Potions - thousands of potions combinations added. These have various effects ranging from speed, regeneration, fire resistance, water breathing, invisibility, night vision and many others. Ingredients for potions can include sugar, netherwart, blaze powder, ghast tear, magma cream and many of the stranger elements found in the game.
Different types of potions
Enchanting table - crafted from books, diamonds and cobblestone
Eye of Ender - made from Ender Pearl and Blaze Powder
Brewing Stand - You need to use this to brew your potions (the cauldron is no longer used). You'll need blaze rod (made from 2 x blaze powder) to activate it.
Cauldron Icon - the cauldron was crafted from 7 iron ingots
Crystal blockBaby animals - parents will follow baby animals after they are born. These mini-animals do eventually grow into the adult forms.

Other new features (Pre-Release 2&3)
- Eating milk and water - you can now eat (technically drink) these materials
- Swords are weaker - these weapons are now slightly weaker and do less damage to mobs and blocks.
- Animal breeding - breed animals by holding wheat in your hand.
- Endermen are harder to kill - they now take 4 hits on diamond sword
- New items - glass bottles (crafted from 7 glass items and used to store/mix potions), more music discs, spider eyes, blaze powder, spider eyes and magma cream.
- Pumpkin seeds - these can be crafted from a normal pumpkin
- New hardcore mode
- First person added back in - hit F5 to view in first person
- Cinematic mode back in - hit F8
- Combat mechanics - right click while holding a weapon to block attacks
Download Minecraft 1.9 Pre-Release 3
1.9 Pre-Release 3 Client:
http://bit.ly/qWJs7L1/9 Pre-Release Server:
http://bit.ly/mOJip1See our version 1.8
pre-release instructions on how to download and play the Minecraft 1.9 pre-release 3.