Minecraft 1.7 - The Best New Features and Official Release Date
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Minecraft 1.7 is certainly one of the biggest updates in recent memory. Not just in terms of new features but behind the scenes code refinements and improvements ready for the API. The Minecraft 1.7 pre-release is available to download now with the official release of Minecraft 1.7 planned for Friday (25th Oct) - all being well that is.
So where do we start with Minecraft 1.7? Well, those of you on an old or lower spec computer will be pleased to know that Minecraft 1.7 is similar to 1.5. It comes with vast improvements to performance, helping even the lightweight gaming machines run the game smoothly.
What about the new features? The list is huge, I mean really huge. We've got new blocks, new biomes, new configuration options, new multiplayer options, new world generation...the list just goes on and on. Rather than go through the entire list, which you can easily check on the Mojang website, we'll give a quick taster of the best features you'll likely to be interested in.
New world generation

There are now twice as many biomes as in 1.6 with new trees, flowers and blocks to go with them. Oceans have been refined to be more 'awesome' as Dinnerbone put it without consuming such a vast space in your world.
There is also a new amplified world generation option - useful for bigger and bolder biome creation.
Some of the new biomes..- Taiga
- Savanna
- Mega Taiga
- Swampland
- Extreme Hills+
- Roofed Fores
- Stone Beach
New blocks
There are two new types of wood, packed ice, red sand and podzol.

New flowers including a tall version of current plants, rose bush, sunflower, lilac.

But most of all, we finally got the stained glass block and pane! A very sought after feature that dates back to the days of Notch and the first introduction of glass. Now everything just looks more authentic with that multi-coloured, transparent effect.


New types of fish have been added - that includes the new Puffer fish, Salmon and Clownfish. The fishing mechanics were also revamped to include the ability to catch junk and treasure too.
Two new enchantments also added:- Luck of the Sea I, II, III
- Lure I, II, III
Multiplayer enhancements

Server administrators can now add a 64x64 icon in their server folder which is visible on the browse server screen. Players can also hover their mouse over the player count to see who's online before joining a particular server.
Resource pack improvements

You can now select multiple resource packs and even configure the sounds for your game. This includes both sound effects and the music played during the game. All you need is an ogg file of the music and a simple text editor to edit the sounds.json file.
Other small but great features- Music now pauses when you pause the game
- Hidden preparation for changing your username
- Achievements are world (or server) persistent
- New commands to create mobs or blocks of any type
- Revised keyboard controls - customizable too
In-depth look at Minecraft 1.7 features
To see more in-depth information about particular features, see our previous posts below:
Minecraft 13w31a - Sprint key and Keyboard changesMinecraft 13w36a - Puffer Fish, Fishing Rewards, Resource PacksMinecraft 13w41a - Stained Glass (crafting recipe)Minecraft 13w42a New sounds.json file - How to Change and Add New Music