Minecraft 14w03a Feature List - New Skin Format, Clone and Copy Commands
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Minecraft snapshot 14w03a (part of 1.8) includes a small collection of features, the most notable being the change to the Skin format which now includes additional layers. There are also new commands for map makers to play around with. We've got the full feature list and more about 14w03a here.
New Skin Format
The skin format as changed slightly from the old one. There are now additional layers on the skin, shown on the image below:

You'll notice the addition of the red layers at the bottom. These are additional layers for each arm and leg. This is further exemplified by Dinnerbone's image which shows a character with different textures on each limb:
Skin TemplateThe diagram below shows the full Skin Template which you can use to determine which parts of the character to edit. Where there is a '2', it means that is the armour part of the skin:
Key:LL - left leg
RL - right leg
LA - left arm
RA - right arm
New Commands - Clone and Fill
A couple of new commands for map makers. Clone and Fill affect the map area with one copying the contents whilst the other fills the area. Read the tutorial here to find out exactly how to use Clone and Fill command and the various parameters you can use too.
Lets start with the Clone command first. The Clone command is used by typing:
/clone <x1> <y1> <z1> <x2> <y2> <z2> <x> <y> <z> [mode]
It will copy large areas of the world/map and paste it into other areas that you specify.
ParametersThe parameters for clone are:
x1, y1, z1 - these are the first co-ordinates of the area you want to copy
x2, y2, z2 - these are the second co-ordinates of the area you want to copy
These two combined represent a cubic area, from corner to corner.
x, y, z - the co-ordinates of the area you want to copy over
Note: You cannot copy blocks over existing blocks and you cannot specific blocks outside of the world.
Unlike the clone command, the Fill command will simply fill an area of the map with blocks of your choosing. It is used as follows:
/fill <x1> <y1> <z1> <x2> <y2> <z2> <TileName> [dataValue] [oldBlockHandling] [dataTag]
Parameters:Similar to Clone, the x,y,z parameters specify the area to fill - a cubic area. The tileName is required to fill the area with a particular tile. dataValue, oldBlockHandling and dataTag are optional paramters.