Minecraft 1.4 New Features
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Minceraft 1.4 has been released and as we expected it contains new features such as wolves, cookies, achievements and a stats system. Minecraft 1.4 is available to download simply by clicking the force update button on the Minecraft start screen.
Version 1.4 of Minecraft is the latest Beta release following version 1.3. If you decide to download 1.4 make sure you check that your mods will support the new changes. Some will stop working so its worth checking.
Minecraft 1.4 New Features
WolvesThese wild creatures are a new addition to the mobs collection. They are passive-aggressive mobs that will attack if provoked. They are also tameable (by using bones) and they spawn on all difficulty settings. When wolves become aggressive they have red eyes. Once a wolf is tamed you can right click to instruct them to sit, follow or stop.
Wolves will also attack other mobs but not all of them.
A new food source that will heal half a heart. They are stacked up in groups of 8 in your inventory and they are crafted by combining cacao beans and wheat. The id for a cookie is 357.
Cacao BeansUsed to craft cookies (in combination with wheat). This resource can be found in the dungeons which are the darkest places of Minecraft, usually underground and full of nasty mobs.
Steve Co. Supply Chest/Locked Chest
This actually directs you to an online shop. These blocks have a weak glow to them.
New Minecraft LogoThe traditional logo has been updated to include the mob ghast face as the letter A. The logo has the appearance of rock with cracks running down the letters.
Achievements and StatsNot a completely working achievements or stats system but the code is there. Notch is obviously working on the final touches to get those stats online.
Other new changes in 1.4
- Waking up in a bed sets your spawn point.
- Sheep can spawn with pink or brown wool
- Water currents are much stronger than before – it's much harder to swim in water
- Spiders and wolves cannot trample on your crops
- Inventory key has been changed to E