MCPE 0.8.0 Features and Recipe List - Minecarts, Rails, Clocks and Much More
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After what seems like an eternity, we finally get the chance to play Minecraft MCPE 0.8.0 on tablets and mobile devices. Although a long time in the making, MCPE 0.8.0 was certainly worth the wait based on the sheer number of great additions such as Minecarts, rails, carpets, beetroot, clocks and compasses.
I'm sure you're keen to start crafting the new items, so check further down the page for a list of all the new recipes. For the complete feature list, see right below..
MCPE 0.8.0 Feature List
- Minecarts, rails, and powered rails
- View distance increased dramatically.
- New textures and colours ported directly from the PC version
- New blocks: carpets, more wood variations, hay bales, iron bars, and more
- New crops and food, including beetroot, carrots, potatoes and pumpkins. You can cook new soups, pies, and more!
- A collection of new items for Creative and Survival, including clocks and compasses
- More blocks and items to use in Creative Mode: including jungle wood, ice, bedrock, shears, dyes, and tall grass
- New AI: mobs are now more intelligent and you can even breed your own animals (finally!)
- A new inventory with tabs for Creative Mode
- New functionality and tweaks to existing blocks and items. Bonemeal lets you grow new cool stuff!
- Improved lighting and fog effects
New Recipes for MCPE 0.8.0
MinecartThe rideable container that's been a part of the PC version of Minecraft since the very beginning.
5 x iron ingot
RailThe tracks for Minecarts to travel along.
stick + 6 x iron ingot
Powered Rail 6 x gold ingot + stick + redstone
Carpet2 x wool (any colour)
Hay Bale9 x wheat
Beetroot, carrot, potatoe and pumpkinThese can all be found in farmland, especially around Villager farms.
ClockUseful for telling you the time of day, making it easier to predict when nightime is coming.
4 x gold ingot + redstone
CompassPoints directly to your spawn point.
4 x iron ingot + redstone
ShearUsed to obtain wool from sheep, collect mushrooms and string from cobwebs.
2 x iron ingot

Download links
Described as the biggest MCPE update yet, get your hands on MCPE 0.8.0 right here: