Infinite Warfare Zombies - Zombies in Spaceland
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With only three months to go until Infinite Warfare's release, Infinity Ward have now revealed the first major details for their new zombies mode - the first map will be called "Zombies in Spaceland". Although Treyarch are considered the masters of the zombies genre, Infinity Ward are going in a familiar, albeit "wacky" direction this year. Let's take a minute to discuss all the important details from the reveal, putting some perspective on this new addition to the franchise.
Rewind to the start of the year and we received our first major hint that a zombies mode would be coming to Infinite Warfare in November. At that time it was a single image of a movie reel, popcorn and a cartoony zombie transposed on the film strip. Of course this was strongly hinting at a movie themed zombies mode from IW.

Fast forward 6 months, just a single day before Gamescom kicked off and a lucky few YouTubers were given a secret box with a DO NO OPEN message on the front and a timer. Of course this was the lead up to the certainty that Infinite Warfare's zombie mode was coming but what exactly was in the box!?
Secret Box Contents
It turned out that the box contained a collection of retro items: trainers, t-shirts, a classic cassette tape and a VHS tape. The major clues of course were hidden on the VHS tape, requiring YouTubers to go out an actually buy an VHS player to watch the reveal trailer.
Many were expecting a revival of Extinction given the game's futuristic space setting but that turned out not to be the case, and at today's Gamescom reveal it was confirmed that the new zombies mode would be more lighthearted than that of Treyarch's. That's not a bad thing and at least IW are trying something new.
Let's break down the major talking points…
Zombies in Spaceland

Front of the VHS tape reveals the new characters in Infinite Warfare zombies.

The backside of the VHS tape contained a description of the "Zombies in Spaceland" map. Full text below:
"Once the shining star of HORROR - a master of the MACABRE. Willard Wyler (Nightmare Summer, Disco Devil) crafted the most captivating films that hypnotized audiences and left them begging for more..
Years ago, the genius director slowly retreated behind the walls of his secluded studio and into obscurity; never to be seen again. Or so everyone thought...
Now HE'S BACK" - ready to deliver his most stunning magnum opus ever - with THRILLS, CHILLS, STYLE, a gripping STORY - and of course, a BODY COUNT."
Features Breakdown- Fantasy theme park location
- Over the top, whacky, cartoon feel
- Weapons from the Future (i.e. Wonder weapons)
- Lost and found - give you the option to buy back your bleedout guns in exchange for points
- Fate n Fortune (i.e. Gobblegums) - Fate are classic, Fortune are Mega
- Shared bank - players can deposit points and other players can withdraw from the ATM
- Arcade - provides a chance to "win" you way back to life after bleeding out
- Pack-a-punch returns
- Weapon kits included
- Larger areas, easier to play vs Treyarch zombies
- Small and big Easter Eggs (all are solable)
- Killer clowns - dog round?
- Multiple traps e.g disco ball, vacuum machine, toxic trap
- Roller-coaster rides
- BoomBox (monkey bombs) make zombies break dance
- Mystery box - called "magic wheel" in the game
- Melee weapons e.g. Ax
- Four new characters: Andre, Poindexter, Sally and AJ
- Spells e.g. force push
- Portals
- Death machine gun with freeze effect
Release Date
Infinite Warfare will be released on a Friday (November 4th) following in the footsteps of the same weekend release period that Black Ops 3 enjoyed. The Zombies in Spaceland map will be the default zombies map but others are bound to be included through paid DLC.