How to get the leaked Minecraft 1.8 Pre-release
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minecraftLate last week, Jeb and Notch secretly released a pre-release version of the Minecraft 1.8 Adventure Update. This leaked version is intended for expert users, those that understand the Minecraft servers and where files could be downloaded from. If you haven't been able to download the leaked version yet, just follow these instructions.
Note: As Jeb pointed out. This version is full of bugs and errors. It is intended as a beta pre-release and you should only play the game if you understand that its not an official full release for 1.8.Don't forget to backup your files!!How to play Minecraft 1.8 - Pre-Release
1. Download Minecraft 1.8 jar file directly from
Minecraft 1.8 Pre-Release(
server files)
2. Open the run command (Start – Run) and type in %AppData%

3. Open the .minecraft folder
4. Browse to the bin folder

5. Delete the minecraft.jar file
6. Copy the downloaded minecraft.jar file into the folder

7. Play Minecraft and enjoy!!
Warning: The date of the file should be 9th September 201. Do not trust jar files from other websites with different dates.