How to create a piston in Minecraft?
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minecraftHow to create a Piston?
Pistons are crafted from a combination of:
- Wooden Planks x 2
- Cobbelstone x 4
- Iron Ingots x 1
- Restone (Dust) x 1
The diagram of the Piston crafting recipe is shown below:
What is a piston used for?
A piston is used to move other objects including other blocks, mobs and items.
Piston ideas and creations
Pistons have a variety of uses and we've already seen:
- Flood gates - Toggling the flow of water
- Vending machine
- TNT cannon
- Pinball machine
- Transport
- Rockets and aircraft takeoff - propulsion system
- Grenade laucher - fires TNT blocks across great distances
- Medievil Cannon - similar to the genade launcher, it fires blocks up into the air
- Elevators
- Mob traps
- Bridges
- Piston farms
What is a sticky piston?
These pistons are able to push and pull other items (the normal piston can only push blocks). In order to get collect slimeballs you must kill slime mobs.
A sticky piston is crafted from:- A piston block
- A slimeball