Download Minecraft 1.4 & View full feature list
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The official 'Scary Update' (Minecraft 1.4) is now available to download from Mojang. This is the final version of Minecraft 1.4, released a week early. Primarily intended for mod developers and server admins, but perfectly acceptable for everyone because it's still the official version!
If you've been following the Minecraft snapshots over the last month or two, you'll know that Minecraft 1.4 is crammed full of lovely features. All based around a scary theme (for Halloween), we've got the awesome Wither mob, the decorative zombie heads, flying bats, treacherous witches and so much more!
Minecraft 1.4 Feature List

- Wither boss mob
- Paintable armour
- Clonable maps
- Potato and golden carrot crops
- Wither skeleton mob
- Command block (for adventure maps)
- Beacon block
- Item frames
- Flower pots
- Cobblestone walls
- Nether star
- Carrot on stick (for riding pigs)
- Superflat customization
- Pumpkin pie
- Braver mobs (they jump off ledges)
- Bat mob
- New sounds by C418
- New hotkeys (1-9)
- Anvil block (repair items)
- Locked redstone repeaters
- New language files
As this is a major version (not a snapshot) it's relatively bug free. Server admins can start hosting Minecraft 1.4 servers and mod developers can crack on with dishing out some fantastic mods. You can all now prepare for Minecraft 1.5 - the redstone update!
Download Minecraft 1.4
Enjoy Minecraft 1.4, its one of the best!Minecraft 1.4 ClientMinecraft 1.4 Server (EXE)Want to know more about the new features?
If you missed any of the our Minecraft 1.4 posts, you can read them here:
12w34a - Features12w34a - Download12w34b - Download12w36a - Download12w37a - Features12w37a - Download12w38a - Download12w40a - Download12w41a - Repair12w41a - Anvil block12w41a - Download12w42a - Download