Download Minecraft 13w19a - Features: Donkey and Mule Inventory, Stained Hardened Clay
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minecraftSo you all thought that 13w19a wasn't going to appear because of the holiday in Sweden? Wrong my friends because low and behold Minecraft 13w19a is available to download now. New features include the donkey and mule inventories and stained hardened clay.
13w19a - All features
- New stained hardened clay
- Donkey and mule inventories added
- New texture for charcoal, coal block and lapis lazuli
- Mobs spawn in groups (again)
- A collection of small bug fixes
How to use Donkey and Mule Inventory

The new inventories for Donkey's and Mules are created by applying a chest to the animal. The chest will become part of the animal and they'll carry it wherever they go. Thus right clicking the animal will open the inventory (just as if it were a chest) and allow you to store and retrieve items.
Before you can add a chest to a donkey/mule they must have been tamed. Once tamed, select the chest in your inventory and then right click the animal to add the chest. The chest will be visible on the side of the animal to confirm you completed this step correctly.
If the donkey/mule dies then the items in the inventory will be dropped.
How to create stained hardened clay (crafting recipe)
Hardened clay is a great building material but it lacks a bit of colour. Thanks to 13w19a you can now colour your clay (stain it) by applying a dye. The crafting recipe is simply 8 x hardened clay + 1 x dye.

Download 13w19a
If you don't have the new launcher yet, download it here:
Minecraft Launcher - WindowsMinecraft Launcher - MAC/OSMinecraft Launcher - Linux OtherServer File (RAR)13w19a - Server RAR