Download Minecraft 12w38a - New Witch mob and Bat mob
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The latest Minecraft 12w38a snapshot is available to download. 12w38a comes with some brand new features including the new witch mob designed by Nathan and also the new bat mob. These new features all form part of Minecraft 1.4 and the Halloween update (or 'pretty scary' update as its also known).
The next official version of Minecraft is going to be the Halloween update and as you might expect it going to contain some scary features. Thanks to 12w38a, we now know that one of those new features is going to be the new witch mob which is one of only a handful of ranged mobs in Minecraft.
Nathan has finished the behavioural features of the new witch mob and he's also finished designing the new texture. However, the mob isn't 100% complete in 12w38a but should be finalized by 12w39a.
Here's is what we know about the Witch mobSpawns in the overworld
The Witch mob will spawn in the overworld rather than any of the other worlds such as the Nether or The End.
It doesn't spawn naturally in snapshotIn 12w38a the Witch doesn't spawn naturally. You'll need to use the spawn eggs to create a Witch mob if you want to see how it looks.
It's a hostile mobLike other monsters, the witch is a hostile mob and it'll try and attack you. Don't expect it to just sit there and wait for you to come too close, it's going to attack you if you're in range.
Ranged mobThe Witch is just like other ranged mobs in Minecraft. The Ghast is another ranged mob and you probably know that it can detect you at great distances and when it does, it starts firing fireballs in your direction. The Ghast is also one of the hardest mobs to defeat and you should expect the Witch to be similar foe.
12w38a Other features

- Updated and new sounds by C418
- A new bat mob - it's a neutral mob
- Command block now accepts new parameters
- Beacon artwork changed
- Wood trunk blocks now rotate differently when placed
Download links
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