Best Minecraft Adventure Maps
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With hundreds of Minecraft Adventure Maps around it's hard to know which ones are any good. Our list contains the top 5 best Minecraft Adventure Maps to play. Yes we know, we're helping you out again..just make sure you enjoy yourselves..
Incase you don't know, Adventure maps are community made maps where you either solve puzzles, fight off hordes of mobs or explore a specially made environment. In all cases, Adventure Maps are great fun. We know that Notch enjoys Adventure Maps too because he's creating a new game mode called Adventure where players won't be able to use blocks, they will only be able to use items. It turns Minecraft into more of an adventure game rather than a sandbox game.
Ok, down to the top 5 adventure maps for Minecraft - we think the majority of Minecraft players would agree with these.
5. EscapeCraft by Merlinus12

Probably the best known Adventure Map. You start off in a tiny room with strange messages written on the wall. You need to escape from the room by solving the puzzle games, riddles and exploiting the physics of Minecraft (redstone, water etc..) This adventure map takes about a couple of hours to get through and there are a dozen or so levels.
4. Skylands

A floating Minecraft world built in the sky, Skylands is not for those with a fear of heights. Split into different lands such as celestial wastelands, emptyreach mountains and ascensions woods. There's treasure hidden in each of the lands, you'll just need to find a way to navigate across the sky!!
It was built back when Alpha was popular so it's more of an exploration map rather than a map that makes you think.
3. Broville by Oldshoes

Broville is a huge metropolitan city together with its surrounding environment. Broville is full of hidden treasure, forgotten tombs, loads of secret rooms, passages and lost ruins. It's an adventure map suited to anyone who likes exploring, building, destroying or looting.
The latest version contains an underground, pirate ship, trains, helipad, caves and a lot of diamonds!
2. Four Towers by Wreckage

A very popular adventure map similar in many ways to Escapecraft where you engage in a story. In Four Towers, you wake up alone in a tower prison and need to find a way to escape, find your family and defeat the enemy. Its got a great ending and a story that keeps you playing all the way through. It can be quite hard though because its full of zombies. The latest version lets you play with a companion too.
1. The original Survival Island by wookie4747

Even though this Adventure Map was created in 2010, Survival Island is one of the best loved adventures because of its raw difficulty. Rather than being presented with vast amounts of resources and land, you're only given limited resources - a few trees, dirt and a small island to start on.
You need to make the most of your resources and build the right things in order to survive. A command and conquer type adventure map which is perfect.
Update 09/08/2011We also recommend the following Adventure Maps
The Curse of Sunny SpringsYog Golf - The Minecraft Crazy Golf Course